Àžgypten lockt Touristen an das Mittelmeer

    Quelle: bfai – Von Stephanie Bratka

    Zahlreiche Investitionsprojekte von Sinai bis As Salum / Nachhaltigkeit in den Fokus /

    Ä€žgyptens Tourismusminister plant die Mittelmeerkƒ des Landes zunehmend für Reisende zu erschlie¸en. Im Vergleich zu anderen Anrainerstaaten hat Kairo diese Region bis dato eher vernachlässigt. Die geplanten Projekte bieten auch deutschen Firmen gute Geschäftschancen, doch es sind vor allem arabische Investoren, die sich engagieren. Der Tourismus geht in Ä€žgypten zu den wichtigsten und am schnellsten wachsenden Wirtschaftszweigen. (Kontaktanschriften)

    Das touristische Entwicklungspotenzial an der Mittelmeerk Ä€žgyptens ist groß Als Beispiel daf kann das erst krzlich eröffnete Porto Marina Resort, das etwa 100 km westlich von Alexandria liegt, genannt werden. Weitere Projekte befinden sich noch in der Planungsphase, so die Aktivit der Investmentbeh rde von Marsa Matrouh, einem Touristenort am Mittelmeer: Die Initiatoren haben Vorhaben im Wert von rund 700 Mio. Ägyptische Pfund , umgerechnet rund 83 Mio. Euro, genehmigt. Sie werden neun Touristenressorts mit insgesamt 3.200 Hotelzimmern an der Küste bauen. Und weiter: In Al Alamein entstehen derzeit zehn neue Vier- und Fünf Sterne Hotelanlagen.

    Experten zufolge kann der Markt die zusätzlichen Bettenkapazität ¤ten der neuen Hotelanlagen aufnehmen. Bremsend auf die Branchenentwicklung wirkten die Inflation und der Mangel an qualifiziertem Personal, heißt es. Gleichzeitig erfordern die deutlich steigenden Besucherzahlen einen Ausbau der Infrastruktur: Die Europäische Union fördert die Modernisierung der touristischen Infrastruktur Ä€žgyptens mit 2 Mio. Euro und mit gemeinsamen Projekten

    Etwa 12% der Ägypter arbeiten nach Aussage von Garranah im Tourismus. Die Branche, die sich zur wichtigsten Deviseneinnahmequelle des Landes entwickelt hat, konnte sich von der Flaute in Folge der Terroranschläge 2005 und 2006 in Dahab auf dem Sinai erholen. Sie verzeichnete im Finanzjahr 2006/07 zweistellige Wachstumsraten. Wie die Ägyptische Zentralbank berichtete, ist die Reisebranche 2006/07 real um 13,2% gewachsen (2005/06: +4,3%; 2004/05: +21,3%). Knapp 10 Mio. Touristen besuchten das Land (+12,7%; 2005/06: 8,7 Mio.; 2004/05: 8,7 Mio.). Die Anzahl der Ãœbernachtungen stieg im Berichtsjahr um 15,5% auf 98,3 Mio. (2005/06: 85,1 Mio.; 2004/05: 85,7 Mio.). Branchenschätzungen zufolge beläuft sich die Anzahl der Besucher im Gesamtjahr 2007 auf 11 Mio. Reisende.

    Zunehmend setzt Ägypten darauf, dass sich der Tourismus zu einem nachhaltigen Industriezweig entwickelt, dazu gehört nach Aussagen von Garranah auch die Forcierung des ökologischen Tourismus. Das Ministerium hat ein Umwelt-Management-System für Hotels eingeführt. Mittlerweile sind bereits 21 Häuser mit dem Umwelt-Label „Green Globe“ zertifiziert. Außerdem wurde die Tauch-Organisation „The Diving Chamber“ gegründet. Sie soll den Schutz der Riffe und Meerestiere im Roten Meer und die Einhaltung internationaler Sicherheitsstandards überwachen.

    Die meisten Touristen kommen derzeit aus Russland, die Besucherzahlen sind seit dem Jahr 2002 um  100% gestiegen. Etwa zwei Drittel der Ä€žgypten-Reisenden sind Westeuroper, hier rangiert Deutschland, gefolgt von Italien und Großbritannien, auf den vorderen . Immer deutlicher zeichnet sich unterdessen ab, dass die Zahl der Besucher aus arabischen ndern weiter steigt.

    Das Interesse von Investoren an Immobilien  das Hotelgewerbe ist gro¸. Diese Entwicklung zeigte sich auch auf der Immobilienmesse Next Move(16.-19.4.2008) in Kairo. Zahlreiche Wohn- und Hotelprojekte von rund 30 Ausstellern aus dem arabischen Raum wurden dort vorgestellt. Auch auf der Messe wurde deutlich, dass vor allem arabische Anleger in den Tourismus drängen. Ein Beispiel daf ist die geplante luxuri öse Wohn- und Hotelanlage Marassi auf 6,25 Mio. qm nahe Alexandria und Al Alamein. In dieses Projekt investiert Emaar Misr, eine hundertprozentige Tochter der Immobiliengesellschaft Emaar Properties mit Sitz in Dubai, etwa 9,92 Mrd. Ägyptische pfund rund 1,1 Mrd. Euro. (S.A.)


    Why should you invest in Egypt's property?

    Property investors today seeking investment in Egypt as an attractive market for a stable investment with ideal growth rates and high capital return compared to other markets. Egypt today offers a solid economic climate in which to invest. Egypt also an emerging property market in key tourist locations and already offering excellent returns on investment and shrewd investors are eager to get involved, while prices remain stunningly low.

    Do you know that:

    The World Bank choosed Egypt as the sixth country among top 10 countries all over the world to apply the economic reforms in 2007.

  • The UN Conference on Trade and Development’s World Investment Report, Egypt was ranked the second largest country in attracting foreign investment in Africa.

  • Growth Domestic Product (GDP) in Egypt has risen for the first time to 7.1% in 2006.

  • Cairo & Alexandria Stock Exchange is considered among the best ten emerging markets in the world.

  • In 2005 Egypt issued a decree (number 548) assisting non-Egyptians to invest in the tourist sector by abolishing a number of red tape procedures and streamlining investment procedures, An uncomplicated tax system with no inheritance or capital gains tax for foreigners which added incentives to Egyptian property purchase.

    Factors affecting real estate investment attractivety in Egypt:

  • Economic factors.

  • Political factors.

  • Natural and Cultural factors.

  • General factors.

    1. Economic Factors:

    Egypt economy is undergoing steady growth and in the last quarter of 2005, the annual growth domestic product (GDP) in Egypt has risen for the first time to 7.1% in 2006 and inflation dropped dramatically from a huge 18.1% in 2004 to only 3.1% in 2006. Due to a number of economic reforms, private business has increased to represent some 80% of the economy today. Experts agree that the current economic climate should improve the economy of the country, create more opportunity for employment and domestic wealth growth, and increase the attraction of the country from an overseas investor point of view. With direct foreign investment continuously on the up, Egypt economy shows enormous potential over the long term because of the following:

  • Property price returns of up to 30% per annum in some locations.

  • Low cost of living and very low property prices.

  • Strong economic growth in recent years (GDP 7.1% in 2006)

  • Government reforms and incentives for foreign investment, making the property investment process easier than ever before.

  • Strong growth in the tourist industry due to increased air services, modernization of amenities and luxury resorts under construction.

  • Low Cost of Living
    The cost of living in Egypt is far lower than in most European countries. As a result, the cost of maintaining and managing your property is very low and it is small wonder that Egypt is also increasingly popular amongst foreign property purchasers.

    - Economic Expansion

    The government of Egypt is committed to transforming the country’s economy through the promotion of foreign direct investment over the long term. As a consequence, it has recently introduced new reforms to customs, income and corporate taxations, while privatizing certain sector industries, and developing an export market for their natural gas deposits.

    Experts agree that all these efforts should improve the economy of the country, create more opportunity for employment and domestic wealth growth while increasing the attraction of Egypt for overseas investors. Growth in the tourist industry netted 2.5 million tourists in 2005, representing 6% of GNP. This figure is set to rise with growing introduction of luxury purpose built resorts throughout the country all good news for today’s property investors in Egypt.

    Today, investors seek the stability and simplicity of the property market to gain good returns on investment. Under-performing stock markets are often proving more volatile than property and this is especially true for the non-professional as there are many external factors that can effect your financial investment. The benefit of buying specifically for investment purposes is the removal of emotion from your purchase while property is used purely as an investment vehicle. Egypt offers many possibilities in the form of re-assignable off-plan contract options to sell at a substantial profit prior to completion, or "buy-to-let" situations to generate reliable rental income and eventually substantial capital appreciation 

    Egypt is Booming Market for Foreign Investment

    After four years of stagnant growth, Egypt posted a strong increase (146%) in FDI during the fiscal year ending July 31, 2005. In comparison with the investment Egypt requires to achieve its economic goals, this is a modest achievement, but it is a start. The government forecasts that FDI in the current fiscal year will grow by 40%, reaching $1.4 billion. The property market in Egypt currently sits on the brink of a boom period and now is a perfect time to purchase property in Egypt. While infrastructures are readily in place and prices are low, many investors are seeing an opportunity in the making. The imminent introduction of mortgage facilities to foreigners in Egypt will precipitate an increase in demand for property and prices will inevitably rise at an even greater rate than investors are already enjoying today. Property investment is expected to increase not only on the seaside tourist resorts, but also in cities such as Cairo, where a huge shortage of accommodation continues to be a problem waiting to be addressed. Significant improvement to the domestic economic environment increased investor confidence in Egypt.

    - Investment Growth

    Egypt investment growth shows exceptional potential as an emerging property market due to a strong economic climate that actively encourages growth in private investment. Below you will find out why property investors find Egypt an ideal market Egypt has long been a popular travel destination.

    Today, due to encouraging economic trends, the property market in Egypt is becoming more popular as a location amongst worldwide purchasers and recent years have seen a growth rate of an encouraging 20-30% per annum in some key locations. Property investment in Egypt, as in many emerging markets, relies heavily on the success of Egypt ever increasing tourism industry. Beautiful, well established tourist hotspots are already in existence, particularly along the Red and Mediterranean Sea coasts and cater for a wide variety of modern tourist requirements, from excellent diving and snorkeling, five star hotels and golf courses to cultural and historical activities. New off-plan opportunities from heavy weight international developers are now springing up, attracting overseas investors looking for a secure investment with good growth potential at rock bottom prices.

    Due to increased tourist numbers, these buyers are also safe in the knowledge there will be a strong market for their investment. Furthermore, the imminent opening of the newly modernized Cairo international airport in early 2007 is set to bring a new influx of visitors to complement Egypt new look 21st century tourist industry.

    Due to recently reforms to streamline purchasing procedures in Egypt, the country now attracts more overseas property purchasers than ever before. This can also be put down to its relatively simple purchase system with lower taxes than in many other countries and no capital gains or Egypt is Booming Market for Foreign Investment

    After four years of stagnant growth, Egypt posted a strong increase (146%) in FDI during the fiscal year ending July 31, 2005. In comparison with the investment Egypt requires to achieve its economic goals, this is a modest achievement, but it is a start. The government forecasts that FDI in the current fiscal year will grow by 40%, reaching $1.4 billion. The property market in Egypt currently sits on the brink of a boom period and now is a perfect time to purchase property in Egypt. While infrastructures are readily in place and prices are low, many investors are seeing an opportunity in the making. The imminent introduction of mortgage facilities to foreigners in Egypt will precipitate an increase in demand for property and prices will inevitably rise at an even greater rate than investors are already enjoying today. Property investment is expected to increase not only on the seaside tourist resorts, but also in cities such as Cairo, where a huge shortage of accommodation continues to be a problem waiting to be addressed. Significant improvement to the domestic economic environment increased investors confidence in Egypt.

    - Investment Growth

    Egypt investment growth shows exceptional potential as an emerging property market due to a strong economic climate that actively encourages growth in private investment. Below you will find out why property investors find Egypt an ideal market Egypt has long been a popular travel destination.

    Today, due to encouraging economic trends, the property market in Egypt is becoming more popular as a location amongst worldwide purchasers and recent years have seen a growth rate of an encouraging 20-30% per annum in some key locations. Property investment in Egypt, as in many emerging markets, relies heavily on the success of Egypt ever increasing tourism industry. Beautiful, well established tourist hotspots are already in existence, particularly along the Red and Mediterranean Sea coasts and cater for a wide variety of modern tourist requirements, from excellent diving and snorkeling, five star hotels and golf courses to cultural and historical activities. New off-plan opportunities from heavy weight international developers are now springing up, attracting overseas investors looking for a secure investment with good growth potential at rock bottom prices.

    Due to increased tourist numbers, these buyers are also safe in the knowledge there will be a strong market for their investment. Furthermore, the imminent opening of the newly modernized Cairo international airport in early 2007 is set to bring a new influx of visitors to complement Egypt new look 21st century tourist industry.

    Due to recently reforms to streamline purchasing procedures in Egypt, the country now attracts more overseas property purchasers than ever before. This can also be put down to its relatively simple purchase system with lower taxes than in many other countries and no capital gains or

    Egypt is Booming Market for Foreign Investment

    After four years of stagnant growth, Egypt posted a strong increase (146%) in FDI during the fiscal year ending July 31, 2005. In comparison with the investment Egypt requires to achieve its economic goals, this is a modest achievement, but it is a start. The government forecasts that FDI in the current fiscal year will grow by 40%, reaching $1.4 billion. The property market in Egypt currently sits on the brink of a boom period and now is a perfect time to purchase property in Egypt. While infrastructures are readily in place and prices are low, many investors are seeing an opportunity in the making. The imminent introduction of mortgage facilities to foreigners in Egypt will precipitate an increase in demand for property and prices will inevitably rise at an even greater rate than investors are already enjoying today. Property investment is expected to increase not only on the seaside tourist resorts, but also in cities such as Cairo, where a huge shortage of accommodation continues to be a problem waiting to be addressed. Significant improvement to the domestic economic environment increased investors confidence in Egypt.

    - Investment Growth

    Egypt investment growth shows exceptional potential as an emerging property market due to a strong economic climate that actively encourages growth in private investment. Below you will find out why property investors find Egypt an ideal market Egypt has long been a popular travel destination.

    Today, due to encouraging economic trends, the property market in Egypt is becoming more popular as a location amongst worldwide purchasers and recent years have seen a growth rate of an encouraging 20-30% per annum in some key locations. Property investment in Egypt, as in many emerging markets, relies heavily on the success of Egypt ever increasing tourism industry. Beautiful, well established tourist hotspots are already in existence, particularly along the Red and Mediterranean Sea coasts and cater for a wide variety of modern tourist requirements, from excellent diving and snorkeling, five star hotels and golf courses to cultural and historical activities. New off-plan opportunities from heavy weight international developers are now springing up, attracting overseas investors looking for a secure investment with good growth potential at rock bottom prices.

    Due to increased tourist numbers, these buyers are also safe in the knowledge there will be a strong market for their investment. Furthermore, the imminent opening of the newly modernized Cairo international airport in early 2007 is set to bring a new influx of visitors to complement Egypt new look 21st century tourist industry.

    Due to recently reforms to streamline purchasing procedures in Egypt, the country now attracts more overseas property purchasers than ever before. This can also be put down to its relatively simple purchase system with lower taxes than in many other countries and no capital gains or

    Egypt is Booming Market for Foreign Investment

    After four years of stagnant growth, Egypt posted a strong increase (146%) in FDI during the fiscal year ending July 31, 2005. In comparison with the investment Egypt requires to achieve its economic goals, this is a modest achievement, but it is a start. The government forecasts that FDI in the current fiscal year will grow by 40%, reaching $1.4 billion. The property market in Egypt currently sits on the brink of a boom period and now is a perfect time to purchase property in Egypt. While infrastructures are readily in place and prices are low, many investors are seeing an opportunity in the making. The imminent introduction of mortgage facilities to foreigners in Egypt will precipitate an increase in demand for property and prices will inevitably rise at an even greater rate than investors are already enjoying today. Property investment is expected to increase not only on the seaside tourist resorts, but also in cities such as Cairo, where a huge shortage of accommodation continues to be a problem waiting to be addressed. Significant improvement to the domestic economic environment increased investors confidence in Egypt.

    - Investment Growth

    Egypt investment growth shows exceptional potential as an emerging property market due to a strong economic climate that actively encourages growth in private investment. Below you will find out why property investors find Egypt an ideal market Egypt has long been a popular travel destination.

    Today, due to encouraging economic trends, the property market in Egypt is becoming more popular as a location amongst worldwide purchasers and recent years have seen a growth rate of an encouraging 20-30% per annum in some key locations. Property investment in Egypt, as in many emerging markets, relies heavily on the success of Egypt ever increasing tourism industry. Beautiful, well established tourist hotspots are already in existence, particularly along the Red and Mediterranean Sea coasts and cater for a wide variety of modern tourist requirements, from excellent diving and snorkeling, five star hotels and golf courses to cultural and historical activities. New off-plan opportunities from heavy weight international developers are now springing up, attracting overseas investors looking for a secure investment with good growth potential at rock bottom prices.

    Due to increased tourist numbers, these buyers are also safe in the knowledge there will be a strong market for their investment. Furthermore, the imminent opening of the newly modernized Cairo international airport in early 2007 is set to bring a new influx of visitors to complement Egypt new look 21st century tourist industry.

    Due to recently reforms to streamline purchasing procedures in Egypt, the country now attracts more overseas property purchasers than ever before. This can also be put down to its relatively simple purchase system with lower taxes than in many other countries and no capital gains or

    Egypt is Booming Market for Foreign Investment

    After four years of stagnant growth, Egypt posted a strong increase (146%) in FDI during the fiscal year ending July 31, 2005. In comparison with the investment Egypt requires to achieve its economic goals, this is a modest achievement, but it is a start. The government forecasts that FDI in the current fiscal year will grow by 40%, reaching $1.4 billion. The property market in Egypt currently sits on the brink of a boom period and now is a perfect time to purchase property in Egypt. While infrastructures are readily in place and prices are low, many investors are seeing an opportunity in the making. The imminent introduction of mortgage facilities to foreigners in Egypt will precipitate an increase in demand for property and prices will inevitably rise at an even greater rate than investors are already enjoying today. Property investment is expected to increase not only on the seaside tourist resorts, but also in cities such as Cairo, where a huge shortage of accommodation continues to be a problem waiting to be addressed. Significant improvement to the domestic economic environment increased investors confidence in Egypt.

    - Investment Growth

    Egypt investment growth shows exceptional potential as an emerging property market due to a strong economic climate that actively encourages growth in private investment. Below you will find out why property investors find Egypt an ideal market Egypt has long been a popular travel destination.

    Today, due to encouraging economic trends, the property market in Egypt is becoming more popular as a location amongst worldwide purchasers and recent years have seen a growth rate of an encouraging 20-30% per annum in some key locations. Property investment in Egypt, as in many emerging markets, relies heavily on the success of Egypt ever increasing tourism industry. Beautiful, well established tourist hotspots are already in existence, particularly along the Red and Mediterranean Sea coasts and cater for a wide variety of modern tourist requirements, from excellent diving and snorkeling, five star hotels and golf courses to cultural and historical activities. New off-plan opportunities from heavy weight international developers are now springing up, attracting overseas investors looking for a secure investment with good growth potential at rock bottom prices.

    Due to increased tourist numbers, these buyers are also safe in the knowledge there will be a strong market for their investment. Furthermore, the imminent opening of the newly modernized Cairo international airport in early 2007 is set to bring a new influx of visitors to complement Egypt’s new look 21st century tourist industry.

    Due to recently reforms to streamline purchasing procedures in Egypt, the country now attracts more overseas property purchasers than ever before. This can also be put down to its relatively simple purchase system with lower taxes than in many other countries and no capital gains or inheritance tax. 

    Issued Capital:

  • Issued capital from Egyptian sources dominated capital from foreign sources by more than 4 to 1. 

  • - Capital Growth

    Predictions Based on a steady increase in investments in the tourist sector and a resulting surge in visitor numbers, Egypt offers promising growth potential to all types of investors, while some areas of the Red and Mediterranean Sea coasts as well as certain areas of Cairo and Alexandria, are currently attracting as much as 25% annual capital growth. Investment in Egyptian property is offering great opportunities for purchasers while it waits during the infancy of an exciting emerging market.

    - Rental Yield Predictions

    Rental income from Egypt based property is of great interest to investors as high rental yields are already achievable from property located in the current tourist hot spots. It is expected that mortgage payments and bills can be covered for the year from the rental income achieved. A fantastic year-round climate attracts a reliable tourist trade throughout the year. 

    Market Capitalization

    The Capital Market Index posted a modest gain of 190 points in 2003/2004 before accelerating in July 2004 to climb 860 points over the next twelve months. According to the CBE, total market capitalization stood at EGP 172.9 billion in June 2004. A year later, market capitalization had doubled to EGP 337.1 billion 

    Real GDP/Current Account Surplus and Inflation

  •  GDP climbed to 4.9% in 2004/2005 and is forecast to reach 6% in 2005/2006.

  •  GDP growth is expected to accelerate as economic reforms take root.

  • The Consumer Price Index (CPI) spiked to 12% in 2004 following devaluation of the Egyptian pound, but by the fourth quarter of 2004/2005 the CPI had fallen back to 4.8%.

  •  Since 2000, Egypt's current account surplus has grown dramatically from a deficit of 1.2% of GDP to an estimated surplus of 4.2% in 2005. On August 25, 2005, a Credit Opinion issued by Moody's Investors Service cited "external indicators such as the current account surplus" as illustrating the strength of Egypt's recovery and the role played by the government's reform policies "in the revitalization of the economy" and "a surge in the stock market".

    2. Political Factors:

    Egypt is a democratic country operating under Multi Party and Semi-Presidential system which splits the power between the president and the appointed prime minister. President Mubarak proposed an amendment to the Egyptian constitution that would allow multi-candidate presidential elections for the first time in February 2005 in order to increase the democratic climate in the country. Egypt was the first Arab country to establish diplomatic relations with Israel. Egypt also has a major role among all the Arab countries and play i mportant role as a mediator for any problems among the Arab countries. Egypt has a perfect relation to USA and EU in different fields. The political life is totally staple in Egypt and people live in piece


    3. Natural and Cultural Factors:

  • Warm climate with year-round sunshine and average temperatures of between 20 and 37°C

  • Great natural beauty with fantastic scenery-stunning white powdered sugar sandy beaches, coral reefs and desert landscapes, giving rise to great recreational activities.

  • Rich cultural and historical interest, dating back some five thousand years.

  • Friendly nature of the Egyptian people, many of whom speak some English.

  • Easy access via direct flights from many international airports. At only 5 hours journey time, Egypt is the number one medium haul tourist destination from Europe.

    4. General Factors:

  • Hours charter flight from Europe.

  • Low real estate property prices.

  • Steady year-on-year capital growth.

  • Beautiful, well established tourist hotspots suitable for varied tourist interests, from excellent diving and snorkeling to cultural and historical locations.

  • Stunning natural landscapes.

  • Steady annual growth in tourist figures.

  • Less property and real estate investment taxes than paid in the EU.

  • No capital gains tax.

  • British residents avoid inheritance tax on any Egyptian properties.

  • Foreign investors are regarded by the government as a big investment opportunity and laws have recently streamlined procedures, making the purchase procedure and investment easy.

  • Strong economic growth and increased investment in infrastructure are boosting the property investment market as a whole.

  • Warm desert climate with temperatures ranging from 14°C in winter to 30°C in summer creating a year-round tourist season.

  • Politically stable country.

  • Increased inward investment, creating a rich investment climate.

  • Well renowned developers are creating luxury resorts to cater for Egypt’s new influx of international tourists.

  • Easy air access from many European destinations makes Egypt an ever popular medium haul holiday location.

  • Cairo International airport is being modernized and a new terminal is to be built by early 2007.

  • Low cost of living and maintenance costs.

  • English is widely spoken, after Arabic.

  • Visa and entry conditions:

  • Visas are required for entry to Egypt. USA and EU nationalities traveling to Hurghada, Sharm EL Shik, Dahab, Newiba and taba for up to30 days receive
  • a free visa stamp in their passport upon arrival also can be renewed easy for another 30 days easy. If flying to Hurghada or Cairo you can expect to
  • pay 20 $ for your visa on arrival.
  • Tourist visas in Egypt can often be obtained in airports upon arrival in Egypt for citizens of most countries. Otherwise a visa will be required as a work visa for renewable periods of 12 month.
  • Tourism in Egypt:

  • Egypt saw rapid growth in tourism of 18.4% in 2004, the fastest in the Middle East, and was the destination for 19.1 % of all Middle East international tourist arrivals (ITA).

  • Tourism provides a significant contribution to Egypt's economy. The hotels and restaurants segment of the industry accounted for 2.8% of Egypt's GDP in 2004, and the total direct and indirect impact of tourism on the economy is about 11.3% of GDP. The sector employs around12.6% of all Egyptian labor.

  • Investments in the industry increased by 18.4% in 2004, reaching EGP.

  • Tourism is the second largest source of foreign earnings with 23.4% of total receipts.

  • Receipts from tourism reached US$ 5.5 billion in 2004, an increase of 44.2% from a year earlier.

  • International tourist arrivals increased to 8.1 million in 2004, 34.1% higher than in 2003.

  • The number of international tourist nights grew rapidly between 2001 and 2004, reaching 81.7 million in 2004, a 53.7% increase over 2003.

  • Most visitors to Egypt are from Europe, with Italians representing the largest share, with 13.2% of all visitors, and Germans representing 11.5%.

  • Recreational tourism dominates the Egyptian market, accounting for 91.5% of all visits in 2003, or 5.5 million visits.

  • The tourism industry is continually upgrading existing facilities and developing new ones, such as the Northern Coast resort and recreational area, in order to enhance Egypt's attractiveness as an international tourist destination.

    Egypt in Brief

    All indications show that property in Egypt is now a highly beneficial market in which to invest. While the tourist infrastructure and economic climate is constantly improving in Egypt, we would urge investors to catch this market at the very beginning, while prices remain incredibly low and high returns on investment.

    Land Development or Investment project in Egypt

    GPG offers comprehensive source of information regarding the newest land investment opportunities available in Egypt. We are always careful to source you the best land investments in Egypt.

    Our clients can receive valuable assistance and contacts in the setting up of joint ventures in Egypt. All developers or partners are carefully vetted by us before they join. Due to the a boom in worldwide property investment in general, Lincom Real Estate is in constant contact with a growing number of developers and investors, as well as investment consortiums, all of whom are constantly on the look out for the best land investment options in Egypt.


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